The registration process is simple and straightforward. You enter your company information and provide contact information. The contact person identified will be the primary point of contact between Audio Pod Inc. and your company.
If you forget your password, we will send it to the email address of the contact person identified with
your account on request.
Create a new Advertisement and upload your advertising image* to it. Assign a title, descriptive text and a
target URL. The URL will be used as the target web address that the user will be taken to when your advertisement
is clicked. Advertising is Non-Intrusive and will not compromise the integrity of the user's audio experience.
* Advertising images are images that you create using the graphic utilities that you have on your computer.
The maximum size of this image should not exceed 250 pixels wide and 300 pixels high. Image format should be
jpg or gif, and should not exceed 125KB.
Illustration Only
The Insertion Order is used to tell Audio Pod how many imprints of your Advertisement you would like to contract
for and where you want your Advertisement used. Advertisements can be assigned for use in our Web Site Social Space
and Embedded in Content. You can also specify which areas of the world that you want your advertising directed,
allowing you to address customers registered to a specific advertising region.
You can have as many Insertion Orders assigned to an advertisement as you like. If your needs change over time,
you can reassign the unused portion of an Insertion Order to another advertisement or change the region you want
your advertising directed.
Your advertisement will be added to the pool of available advertisements and used on either the Web Site
Social Space or Embedded in Content. Every imprint of your advertisement will take a user to your
web site from any Audio Pod utility or web browser. Audio Pod tracks usage and click-thru's, and provides detailed reports.
Advertising images shown on this page are shown for illustrative purposes only.
Advertising is subject to the Terms and Conditions documented within the Rate Card.