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The Board of Directors

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Listen & Live Audio, Inc.

The Board of Directors

Marianne Jennings

Learn the 25 keys to the role of the Board of Directors and the important points in helping to guide the Board's policy and strategy:

  • Key 1. The corporation: a beast with unlimited potential and limited liability.
  • Key 2. What is a board of directors and why do you need one?
  • Key 3. The board does a lot more than just collect a fee.
  • Key 4. Who picks the board members and why do they pick them?
  • Key 5. Electing board members is still the shareholder's job.
  • Key 6. Tenure for directors is not a good idea.
  • Key 7. Compensation in theory and practice: do directors deserve what they earn?
  • Key 8. Pink slips for directors.
  • Key 9. Directors' fiduciary duty: it's not their money.
  • Key 10. Mistakes or errors of judgment?
  • Key 11. Carpe diem, but not the opportunity.
  • Key 12. Conflicts, contracts and independent directors.
  • Key 13. On being sued: directors' liability and insurance.
  • Key 14. On being sued personally: directors without insurance.
  • Key 15. Federal laws and criminal sanctions: the SEC and other things that can go bump in the boardroom.
  • Key 16. Inside information: the law on juicy tidbits.
  • Key 17. Who's in charge here?
  • Key 18. Board committees: extra fees or real purpose?
  • Key 19. On the board's responsibility for preventing the books from being cooked.
  • Key 20. Board meetings: art, science and requirements.
  • Key 21. Shareholders versus stakeholders.
  • Key 22. The irate shareholder: annual ruckus.
  • Key 23. Board reform: rebels at the gate.
  • Key 24. Good questions for good board members.
  • Key 25. The best and worst in corporate boards.

The Board of Directors is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.

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Eric Conger

Published By
Listen & Live Audio, Inc.

Copyright (c) 2008 Listen & Live Audio, Inc., All Rights Reserved


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