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Chamber Music

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Chamber Music

James Joyce

Chamber Music is a collection of poems by James Joyce, first published in May of 1907. The collection originally comprised thirty-four love poems, but two further poems were added before publication ("All day I hear the noise of waters" and "I hear an army charging upon the land").

Although the poems did not sell well, they received some critical acclaim. Ezra Pound admired the "delicate temperament" of these early poems, while Yeats described "I hear an army charging upon the land" as "a technical and emotional masterpiece". In 1909, Joyce wrote to his wife, "When I wrote [Chamber Music], I was a lonely boy, walking about by myself at night and thinking that one day a girl would love me."

(Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Annie Coleman)

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Annie Coleman

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Copyright (P) 2005/2008 LibriVox. No Rights Reserved.

This Recording is in the Public Domain


Fiction, Romance



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