AudioPod : The Secret of How To Ace Any Job Interview With Confidence! by David R. Portney, Rating Adult, Genre Non-Fiction, Life Skills

The Secret of How To Ace Any Job Interview With Confidence!


The Secret of How To Ace Any Job Interview With Confidence!


David R. Portney

Age Group



Not yet rated.


Non-Fiction, Life Skills


0 hours 53 minutes 28 seconds


It's the hiring manager's job to find reasons NOT to hire you... It's your job to NOT provide those reasons! If you don't play the resume and interview game right, you're going to lose - you're not going to get a job offer. Make sure YOU'RE not making any of the common mistakes most job seekers make that ruin their chances of a job offer.With this one-hour information-packed audio CD, you can be sure you've got all your basics and bases covered when it comes to job interviews and your resume - you'll discover:12 critical resume and interview tips you absolutely must know.* What questions YOU should be asking in a job interview.* Exactly how to "dress for success".* How to eliminate nervousness and interview anxiety.* How to convey confidence to the hiring manager so he/she feels good about & wants to hire YOU - even over other more experienced, educated, & qualified candidates.With this audio program you'll be sure you're not making any of the many common mistakes that ruin your chances of getting hired.Plus -evenmoreimportant - you'll discover how to get rid of interview anxiety forever... Why is that so important? Because to give the hiring manager the gut-feeling they should hire you over other more-qualified job seekers, you MUST interview with calm, cool, collected confidence. his is great for those new to the job search,aswellas veterans who need to be 100% free of interview anxiety and have all your resume & interview basics and bases covered.


David R. Portney

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