AudioPod : Growing & Managing a Business by Kathleen R. Allen, Rating Adult, Genre Non-Fiction, Business

Growing & Managing a Business


Growing & Managing a Business


Kathleen R. Allen

Age Group



Not yet rated.


Non-Fiction, Business


1 hours 27 minutes 47 seconds


Learn the 25 keys in managing the growth of a business, including identifying the company's competitive advantage, implementing a total-quality strategy, hiring a professional management team and creating a visionary growth-oriented corporate culture:

Growing & Managing A Business is part of The New York Times Pocket MBA Series, a reference series easily accessible to all businesspersons, from first-level managers to the executive suite. The 12-volume series is written by Ph.D.s who teach in the finest graduate business programs in the country, and edited by business editors from The New York Times. The structure of each volume presents an unparalleled synopsis of crucial principles of specific areas of business expertise.


Eric Conger

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